Welcome to the language of your SOUL

Meredith Cameron


First thing is first: when you book a session with me, what you are booking is a particular day in which you will receive an email with the typed up responses that came directly from YOUR Akashic Records.

You knew it all along. But why is it that so often we don’t trust that inner knowing? When we get messages from our own selves, it’s as if we have to reach to the external world to find proof and back them up and THEN we will trust them. Such a disrespect to ourselves, don’t you think?

I’m going to try and break this down for you because I get so many questions about the Akashic Records. But here’s the thing: your mind will never fully understand because energy isn’t exactly an intellectual process. Energy is a feeling, a trusting, a knowing. An is-ness. A presence.

When we surrender, the answers come. And in my experience, this is 100000% true. When I want to know something and I’m going in circles and playing detective, I’m exhausted. When I sit with myself in silence and finally surrender to the truth of what is, things become more clear.

So here we go. You ready?


Every single person has an Akashic Record.

It is a vibrational history of every single experience that your soul has ever ever gone through.

So, think of your soul and your body. You have a physical body and an energetic body. Your energetic body is your soul and it moves through many different lifetimes and in this moment you are in this physical lifetime in this body.

Now think about all of the experiences and thoughts and reactions and emotions you have had in this life and even just today! Your record is so sensitive that it is going to store every single moment that your soul has ever experienced. Past, present and future. Everything exists in your records.

Some describe them as a metaphysical library.

How is that even possible?

Think of radio waves. All of these details are recorded in these energy waves and cannot be seen but they can be pulled because they are a frequency. When you enter the frequency, you can receive the information of your soul.

For the most part, many people have had hundred of lives. The information about your soul is infinite. However, there's a limit as to how much you'll be shown in one go because you are only shown what you need at that time.

When I open the records, the message is translated word for word. There is no flowering things up on my end or grammatically altering things. Messages tend to bounce around yet always seem to make complete sense to our inner truth.


The Akashic Records are stored in the star cluster, the Pleiades, also called the 7 sisters, and it is 444.2 light years away from earth. It is located in the constellation of Taurus. This is where the frequency is stored. When I align with that frequency, I pull information from this place. Sounds whacky, right? I told you, the mind will never be able to understand! It’s mind boggling and magical. Energy does not lie.

Here’s the beauty: we can all do it. Yep, it’s true. If you can find the space and grace to keep your energy balanced, clear and clean, anything is accessible for you. It takes time and it’s a muscle to be strengthened. So much practice begins in the “feeling” body and not the mind. And in my experience, your energy management needs to be on point. For me, I have found that I simply cannot just raise my frequency for a reading and then go back to a denser life. I must always have a higher frequency and live and breathe from this space.


I landed in the Akashic records in early 2020. I won’t lie, I had a HUGE block around letting anyone know about it because I felt it was “witchy”. Yet I found so much reverence and peace while opening my Akashic Records for days and months on end.

Let me back track, I’ve been going through A LOT with my health and I’ve been completely unable to get myself dressed, sometimes feed myself and more. So lets just say I’ve had a lot of time to sit. I decided to be productive with my time, using vedic meditation and japa over the years to help me see the bigger picture of my life. I dug deep into shadow work and inner child work.

I was then hit with a surprise death of our sweet kitty that pulled the floor out from underneath me and left me gasping for weeks on end. That grief burned through me. I had a choice to continue to drown in it or turn my pain into purpose. On top of my already vedic and japa practices and all deeper self work, I began the simple act of feeling because I AM ALWAYS IN MY HEAD. Bleh. Anyone else? Feeling what is going on within with curiosity and from a neutral place. I learned quickly that the FEELING space was medicine. I took animal communication courses and had my astrology chart read from every angle to get a better understanding (my mind still at play here). Through my birth chart it shows that I’m meant to be doing work like this - reading Akashic Records, animal communication or something in regards to energy, spirituality and connecting to the heart (not the head).

I had been following an account on IG (Ashley Wood) simply because I liked her energy and her posts. I knew she had an Akashic Records course, but had no interest. One night, I had a dream where my sweet kitty was screaming at me to do the Akashic Records (she comes to me often, always guiding me).

At that point, my yoga retreat career had been cancelled for 2020 and I had no income so I said if I was meant to be doing this, the uni needs to show me the money! ha! No joke, the next day, Delta refunded me in full for an upcoming trip. Course purchased. As mentioned earlier, I worked in my own records almost daily, for months, and in July my own records told me that I needed to be doing this for others.

Sure enough my head got in the way, thinking about my website and marketing and all the biz things. I noticed my heady pattern right away and instead of listening to my head, I listened to my higher guidance. Because why ask if you aren’t going to listen? Am I right?

I jumped and just threw out my new service on social media and BAM. My records didn’t lie. This has been one of the most loving and healing things I have had the honor of doing for others. At this point, I’ve read over 100+ Akashic Records, while managing my own energy, and I’m over the moon.

Little did I know that all of the quiet time, meditation studies, shadow work and somatic work had a purpose beyond my own healing. The end.


Here’s the thing: when you read the messages that are downloaded for you from your own records, it clicks. You always knew it. It is a doorway for you to begin really trusting those messages you’ve been hearing all along.

I love it because it is truly a spark of deep deep respect for your own self.

Prior to having your records opened, you are most likely living in a space like this:

Doubting what’s coming through. Thinking that there must be something more or something deeper or there must be a greater reason behind it. 

But once you get that click from your soul’s answers, it’s NEVER the same.

Because once you know, you can't not know.
Once you hear your own wisdom, you can't not listen.

The Akashic Records are a place of unconditional love and support where you are always fully seen and always fully accepted.

You are refreshed and renewed by the energy of you.

Because the Akashic Records are you.

They’re your soul history and your highest self is there to embrace you.

It’s the truest version of a self help book that you’ll ever dive into.


Sometimes I open the records for the energy of the collective or a group. It's obviously not a personal reading and I am not opening the individual records, yet I am opening the energy of the container.

It's a different experience but it still calls you home. The communication and experience is different but the messages are just as important and just as beautiful.

Everything is energy.

When you receive the transmission, there is a root level consciousness shift that happens.  It's a transmission.  it elevates you. 


What questions to ask!

This is totally normal. It’s also normal to feel nervous. But I promise you, your Akashic Records provide so much guidance and clarity. It’s truly soul soothing.

So because many always scratch their heads over which questions to ask, upon booking, you can leave your questions blank. You are provided with a link to edit your questions at anytime AND you get a reminder email prior to your special day.

Here’s some examples to help get the soul churning:

☀️ What is my path moving forward?
☀️ Why do I resist (insert your own words here)?
☀️ How can I open myself up to more financial abundance?
☀️ How many lives have I lived? Describe a past life for me.
☀️ What is my purpose?
☀️ How can I learn to let go?
☀️ What does my struggle with _______ mean?
☀️ What purpose does my [back pain] serve and how can I heal it?


Remember, it’s an email you will receive on your scheduled day. And I highly recommend that you read it and read it and read it again. It will speak to you in so many ways.

Once the information is revealed, there’s a massive shift. There just is. I can’t explain it.

Connection to ourselves is needed now more ever.

I repeat: connection to ourselves is needed more than ever.

Click HERE to learn even more and schedule your session.